Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Back to the Desert

Look what I figured out how to do.  It's because I am supposed to be making supper, and I am kind of tired of coming up with ideas for meals to feed my family.  I'd be happy with Cheerios tonight.  Hence I was looking for a diversion (there are plenty to choose from with the new platform).

Okay, next I am going to figure out how to make this font BIGGER!  Well, maybe not next.  I might not be that savvy.  (The woman figures out one thing and thinks she has it all mastered.  She must be spending too much time with her young-uns.) :)


  1. Hooray Sally! It's beautiful. Have you heard from Jane today? I hope she is not giving up over here. I am hopeful we can get past the learning curve together. I felt elated today when I found a template that I could live with for the next few days!

  2. Yeah Sally!!! Now just to get all our sidebar photos & avatar showing. How did you get your Bible verse on the side? I like your comparison of old farmhouse (or like me, an old farmer) in a modern condo. I miss my cbox!!!!

    So are you finding that 80% of your friends are missing? I am. And now, I suppose it's because of the girls on my avatar, I'm getting all kinds of new little young lady wants me to be a friend to her doll blog where she blogs about her 5 dolls. :) Well, it looks like we are going to survive this afterall...

    Have a good day. Today we work around the home & garden & violin lesson later.

  3. Hi Sally! Love that you're figuring things out - that header is so familiar to me, which is odd considering it seems so much longer than just 7 weeks ago that we pulled in to Illinois. 8 weeks ago we were still packing, yet it feels like an age. Is that the Colorado? Or Lake Mead from a trip north?

    See? I came over here to encourage you in that you *could* figure things out (basically agree with your girls and give you a "Go, Sally!"), but I see my encouragement is completely superfluous at this point. Yay! :)

    Thanks for the compliment on my photo of tulips. Most of my spectacular shots in the past have been happy accidents, but that one was, believe it or not, intentional. I'm finally learning how to use my camera and light and the flash (leave OFF! lol). So thanks for your kind words; I was pretty pleased with it myself and kept looking at it all day. :)

    Have a great day!

  4. Hey...looks good! I just got mine figured out, too. Helps to have these savvy kids around to help us. I'm still wishing we had more parental controls on the kids' sites, and I miss the email notification to family and friends when I post. But I like a lot of their other stuff, so we'll hang in there until we 'know it all'!

    Blessings on your day~

  5. Jane, in your widgets, move a text widget to the position you want on the right side, then click on the arrow on the right side. It opens a box where you can type words for that spot on your sidebar. Yay! :)


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