Friday, December 28, 2007
Happy Birthday, Grampy!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Please Help!!
Thank you to all of you who clicked on over to Booklover's blog and left her a comment. She accumulated well over 1000 comments and is very happy with her popularity!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Loving Daughters
Then, Eyebright posted this very gratifying-to-a-mom entry here. What a thrill to see a young lady make her own choice to do right, and not just say, "I can't do that. My mom won't let me."
Alizona, my own precious oldest daughter, awarded me the Blogging Friends Award. (Yes, this is still an award-free zone, but hey, I can make an exception for my own daughter! It's my blog.) Alie has entered that time of life when mothers and daughters begin to be not only parent/child, but close friends. I am so blessed to have her call me her friend! She is a treasure. I am so enjoying watching each of my girls' talents and personalities growing. Each of them is so different!
And last, but not least, Booklover reached beyond herself the other day as I was drifting away in a low-blood-sugar episode, and actually said, "Mom, are you okay?" This may not seem like a big thing to you, but this is the happy-go-lucky kid who always wants (and usually gets) the biggest or best or last piece of whatever delicious thing we happen to have sitting around -- chocolate, cookies, fudge, whatever. That means she is not usually thinking of someone besides herself, but sometimes she does. Today I saw by accident that she had slipped some of her own hard-to-come-by money into a good-bye card for our missionary friends who are moving on.
(Sorry about the little teeny links. Will have to figure out how to fix that...)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Knee Mail
GOD: Good morning, son.
kh: Good morning, Lord.
GOD: I see you are reading My Word.
kh: Yes, Lord.
GOD: Why?
kh: Why am I reading Your Word?
GOD: Yes, son, why are you reading it? Examine your heart. Are you reading because you feel obligated? What’s your motive?
kh: I guess I never thought about it, Lord. There are lots of reasons to read it.
GOD: Yes, son, there are lots of reasons people read My Word. Some read it because of habit. Habits are good, son, and I want all My children to get good habits and avoid bad habits, but habit alone is not a good reason to read My Word.
Some only read it to get a message to preach to others. Some read it to salve their conscience. It makes them feel that they have done their daily duty to Me. Some read it so that they can impress others with their Bible knowledge; some so they can win a debate; and others so they can brag and say, “I have read my Bible every day for X number of years. I have read it cover to cover X times (Luke 18:11-12)!” Some read their “chapter a day to keep the devil away.” Some think reading My Word obligates Me to protect them or provide special blessings to them. Thus, thinking that My Word is a magic potion, they read it and think I’m indebted to them. However, I’m never in debt to any man. Some read it to look good to their fellow man (Matthew 23:26). They have their reward (Matthew 6:2).
You see, son, I search the hearts (Jeremiah 17:10). I know why people do what they do. I don’t need anyone to tell me what is in man (John 2:25). You would be surprised to know how many people read My Word only because of peer pressure or because they think others expect it of them.
Still others read it only hoping to find errors or contradictions so they can justify not submitting to its authority. Quite a few read it to see which Scriptures they can wrest (II Peter 3:16) to fit their own wild doctrines or wicked life styles. I wrote it so that some passages appear to contradict at first glance, so those who hate Me will be caught in their own net (Psalm 35:8).
kh: Have I ever read Your Word for any of those reasons, Lord?
GOD: Nearly all of them at one time or another, son.
kh: Why should I read it, Lord?
GOD: My Word provides more things than you realize. It washes like water (Ephesians 5:26-27) and quenches the thirst (John 4:14) in those who hunger and thirst after righteousness (Matthew 5:6). My Word brings life (Proverbs 3:2) and light (Psalm 119:130). It is milk (I Peter 2:2), bread (Matthew 4:4), and meat (Hebrews 5:12-14). It is a light to your path (Psalm 119:105) and a search light for your heart (Psalm 139:23). It is your armor against the devil (Ephesians 6:11,17). It keeps you from sin (Psalm 119:11). It brings healing (Matthew 8:16). It makes you bear fruit (Matthew 13:20-23). It helps you learn of me (Matthew 11:29) to prepare you to live in my palace forever (Revelation 21:1).
kh: Do I ever read it for those reasons, Lord?
GOD: Sometimes, son, but not often enough. I’ve given you a lot. You have a sharp mind, good health, a loving family, a relatively free country, and lots of people who love and pray for you. You need to study to show yourself approved to Me (II Timothy 2:15). I’ve given you much and I will require much of you (Luke 12:48).
kh: I know, Lord. That verse scares me.
GOD: It should, son, it should. I love you. Get back to reading. I’ve got your back.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Mnemonics for 10 Commandments
The second commandment, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, (...) Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them..."
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Four Year Old Author
Me: Oh really. What's it about?
Em: George Washington! Will you help me?
Me (distracted): Okay.Sure...
Em: Mom. Mom. Mom? How do you spell "George Washington"?
Me: G...
Em: Okay, what next?
Me: E....
Em: Okay, what next?
Me: O....
Em: Okay, what next?
Me: What are you going to write about George Washington? That he was the father of our country? Our first President?
Em: No. What year was he born, Mom? ....Mom. Mom. MOM! Mom, what year was he born?
Me: Oh, I think 1700 something. Let's look it up... 1731 or 32.
Em: How do I write it?
Me: 1....7....3.....2
For a while Emily worked alone. Then,
Em: Mom, how do you spell "dead"?
I spell it for her.
Em: Look, Mom, my book! Do you want to see it? Mom, mom, MOM! See my book?
Me (still distracted): Yes. Okay. Where's your book?
"George Washington (was born in) 1732" (32 written backwards)
Well, she is not very detailed in her report, but at least she's accurate... lol!
Sunday, December 16, 2007
I Am Not Religious
Do you ever have people confuse your salvation for religion? Sometimes people think we do what we do (or don’t do what we don’t do) because we have a given set of church rules to follow. My good friend, Kristy, wrote this good piece on the differences between God-given salvation and man-made religion; I begged it from her for my ladies' newsletter and my blog. Thanks, Kristy!
I Am Not Religious. I Am Saved!
I am not trying to keep a set of rules to attain salvation.
I already have salvation.
I am not religious; I am saved.
When I die and stand before God,
I don't have to worry that my good outweighs my bad.
I am not religious; I am saved.
I am not walking around observing ceremonies and traditions
because that's the way it's always been done.
And I don't need them to attain salvation.
I am not religious; I am saved.
I am not a person that can no longer sin. I still sin.
When I ask God’s forgiveness it's granted.
Salvation is not a process. It's a gift. A gift has to be accepted.
I am not religious; I am saved.
When I learn some new truth and God shows me my error, I try to correct it.
I fail over and over again.
I am not changing my life for salvation.
My life is being changed because of salvation.
I can't change my life by my own power.
I am not religious; I am saved.
I can't lose my salvation because of mistakes I make. God promises that.
I am not religious; I am saved.
I don't always feel saved. But that's okay. It's not about how I feel or what I think.
Being saved is based on God’s Word and His promises.
I am not religious; I am saved.
I am not trying to be better than my neighbor, friends or family.
I am trying to be like Christ.
I am not religious; I am saved.
I am not always understood. I know that. It hurts. God's Word comforts me.
I am not religious; I am saved.
My stand on issues is not popular. I strive to follow God's Word, not man’s.
I am not religious; I am saved.
Salvation is a gift from God. It can't be worked for or bought.
It's not a list of rules that have to be followed.
Salvation is not a doctrine, a denomination or a fancy church.
It's God loving us enough to send his Son to die for us.
Salvation is not in traditions, ceremonies, or what church you attend.
Salvation is in Jesus Christ.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thinking on Eternity
My older daughters, Alizona and Booklover, are providing the music for the memorial service. I didn't want them to have to be there. This is one of those ugly things I wanted them to be protected from forever. The spirit of grief is so heavy at something like this. I know if it were I playing the piano, I wouldn't be able to see the music for the tears. I have been praying for all three of them, the girls and my DH, all morning, as well as for the woman's husband and for the others who are attending the service. Could something good come from all this? Could someone there realize their own need for peace with God? That is also my prayer.
In our own home the whole situation has opened up some opportunities to talk with the little girls about death. "Mommy, is a rock dead? How about a flower? Is a waffle dead?" What makes a body alive? And how can our souls have life? Oh, our souls live on forever. It is the spirit that dies in sin and needs to be born again. The soul without a living spirit goes down to hell when the body dies, and "lives" there suffering and perishing, for eternity. The soul that has been redeemed, bought back from the dead by the blood of Jesus, has been given eternal life. In the OT, those who believed God sacrificed animals for blood to cover their sins. But when the Messiah came, the Prince of Peace, he was the last sacrifice for sins. His blood no longer only covered sins; it actually took them away. Praise God, when Jesus Christ willingly went to the cross, he shed the last blood God would ever need. The blood of atonement. It is finished. Jesus paid it all. What peace I have in my heart, knowing without a doubt that my sins are paid for. No matter how bad things could get in this temporal life, I know I have peace with God through the blood of the cross. Do you? It is my prayer that someone at that service will receive this peace today.
Friday, December 14, 2007
More Stuff
For those of you who have inquiring minds, I drew the desert picture with Paint, then cut out our family photo with Adobe Photoshop Elements and superimposed it onto the desert pic. It's picky work and takes way too much time if you are not a perfectionist. Kind of like changing templates -- way too much trial and error. (Especially the error part!) Every time I poured a different color into the sky, I lost parts of our heads. Hence my pointed cranium. That "path" is supposed to be a little stream, but it can be whatever you want. We have both, but there are a lot more paths than streams out there! And oh, that coiled thing is supposed to be a snake, not a rusty bedspring, but there are lots of old bedsprings out there, too.
More stuff: Some of you asked about that info I posted a bit earlier about kids being ready for the mechanics of writing. I am sorry, I have hunted high and low for the source, and I CAN'T FIND IT ANYWHERE!! I know it was in a magazine, either TOS or Homeschool Enrichment. If I come across it, I will you know. I want to read it again, too.
The little girls slept in their new bed for the first time last night, and it sounded just like a slumber party going on in there for a while, hee hee. It's such a blessing to hear them giggling together. For a while. I had forgotten about the problems that accompany bunk beds: "When is it going to be my turn to sleep on the top bunk?" "Get down! This is MY bed!" "Stop wiggling! You are moving the whole bed, and I can't sleep!!" "MOM!!! Tell her to hold STILL!" lol. It's still a blessing.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Just Stuff
ARRRGHHH! I just wrote a whole bunch more on this post and LOST IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sigh. I am so good at that. Anyway, as I was saying, I wrote the above paragraph several days ago when I was buried in a sea of inadequacy. I don't feel that way today, even though we have not done any school work in a while... I wonder why it is that one day you feel like crawling under the nearest rock, and other days you feel like you are on top of the world. Anyway...
My parents came to see us for Carrotlover's eighth birthday. We had a really nice visit! Hmm... Too bad we don't have a photo of them together. Here she is with her daddy, on their way to the car for her birthday "date".
AND, since we were finishing things yesterday, Alizona also got to work on the afghan that has been hanging over her head for more than two years. Ta da!! She spent about 20 minutes weaving in the loose ends and now it is on her bed! She makes such nice, even knots. I don't know where these girls got all their talent. It's not hereditary. I have been trying to make an afghan, too. I got about ten rows done, and then I forgot what size hook to use, and how to do the stitch. The procrastination, however, is hereditary.
So. What is the big deal with bed covers around here? Well, Emily had her prayer for a bunk bed answered, and the big girls wanted to pass down their matching spreads to the little girls. Yesterday was spent shoveling a path through the little girls' room so the delivery men would have a place to put the bed together. I WISH I had before and after pictures, so you could see that I really do do some things around here. The difference in their room is like night and day, and I feel good about it! I don't know how two little girls can make such a huge mess. ...Yes, I do, too. It's just entropy. Maybe this would have been a good time for an object lesson on the second law of thermodynamics!
So anyway, that is some of what we have been busy with lately. I feel sort of out of touch with you all -- it's busy time of year! Seems like there is something else to report, but that will have to be on a future post. Later!
Friday, December 7, 2007
Temporary Template Illness
Writing Woes
My near 8 yo HATES writing anything school related. At first I thought this was just an obedience issue, but after I read some things (Ruth Beechick?) I wonder. There are certain things this child will write on her own, such as a letter or a story that is her own idea. But she would rather do any school subject orally than write answers in her workbooks, even math!
So what I learned is this: if your child makes his letter O's clockwise instead of counter-clockwise, or makes his lower case r's backwards (hump before stick, right to left), he needs retraining. I asked my daughter to write the alphabet while I watched. Sure enough, she makes her O's and r's backwards. The article also recommended some small muscle exercises to strengthen the fingers, such as using the writing hand to crinkle an opened sheet of newspaper into a ball. So this morning I had this child do just that. You know how it is when your children are encouraged to destroy something, right? They really get into it! Soon I had four girls crushing newspapers into balls, and shortly thereafter, our own desert "snowball" fight! We'll do this daily until the junk mail runs out, and I'm sure the weak little third grade fingers will become burly, strong, experienced, happy writers.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Answers to Your Questions
“Do you believe that King James in 1611 was ‘a holy man, moved of God’ to write the Scripture, in which case you would consider the KJV itself superior to the originals?”
No. King James was not “a holy man, moved of God”, not in the same sense that the men were to whom God gave the original words of the scriptures. But he was moved of God to authorize the preservation of God’s Word in English.
And no, the KJB is not better than (but it is as good as) the actual original manuscripts, but it IS better than many of the copies that were made, and from which later versions were translated. Case in point: see my post on “EASTER OR PASSOVER”, in which I explained why “Easter” is the correct word in Acts 12:4, regardless of the fact that most of the Greek manuscripts use the word pascha, translated “Passover” in all of the modern Bible translations.
“Are you of the position that in order for someone from a different language to read God's Word they must first learn English?”
No, God’s Word is NOT found only in the English language. I believe God’s Word has been PRESERVED perfectly in English in the KJB. And you will have to decide too, which English version is God's Word. Or else decide that we don't have God's Word anywhere.
There is a prevalent misunderstanding among those who oppose me on this issue. That is, they think I am saying that King James I, or his men who did the translating, were inspired by God in writing a new English version, just as Moses, Daniel, Paul, Peter, etc, were “inspired” when they wrote the original manuscripts. No. THIS IS NOT AN ISSUE OF INSPIRATION. (Capitals for emphasis only -- I am not yelling.) Neither King James I nor the translators of the KJB were inspired by God to write scripture. In fact, the original writers were not inspired, either! It is the WORDS which were God-breathed, not the men who wrote them (2 Timothy 3:16). The scriptures (the words) were GIVEN by inspiration, and PRESERVED by God, through men, sinners all, who wrote down those God-given words. I think I have already given Bible verses that promise the preservation of God’s words in previous “Which Bible” posts. There are several of them, not the least of which is Psalm 12:6,7.
“Noah, Job, Moses, and other patriarchs believed, had faith and had a heart for God … whatever did they do without the KJB?”
Noah, Job, Moses, and the other patriarchs had the very words of God as they were spoken, and later, written. While I sometimes think it would be nice to have God speak to me personally, too, and give me wisdom or direction like he did these men, God does not now appear to his children giving us revelation in addition to what he has already given to us in his Word. Here we have the promise of God that this prophecy which we can hold in our hands is now more sure than a voice from heaven:
1 Peter 2:16 For we have not followed cunningly devised fables, when we made known unto you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but were eyewitnesses of his majesty
17 For he received from God the Father honour and glory, when there came such a voice to him from the excellent glory, This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.
18 And this voice which came from heaven we heard, when we were with him in the holy mount.
19 We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:
20 Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation.
21 For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
“What do you think of the NKJV?”
It really doesn't matter what I think of it... is it really a new and improved version of the KJB? How does it compare to what we already know is true? One of the reasons why the publishers make changes in the Bible is to get a copyright ($). In order to get a copyright, the text has to be substantially changed from the original work. The thousands of word changes in the NKJV are subtler than in some of the other versions. The translators claim that the NKJV comes from the same set of manuscripts that the KJB does, and that the changes are all for the purpose of easier readability, but that is not true. The Hebrew text is different -- you can Google that if you want to.
Here are some examples of changes (why are we such suckers for something "new"?):
“Repent” is omitted 44 times.
“Blood” is omitted 23 times.
“Hell” is omitted 22 times.
“Damnation” is omitted entirely.
"God" is dropped 66 times.
Here are some other changes:
Genesis 22:8: (One of the greatest verses in the Bible proclaiming that Jesus Christ was God in the flesh.) "God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering:" The NKJV adds the little word "for”: "God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” I wrote a previous post on the miracle that God promised here, providing HIMSELF, the Lord Jesus Christ, the LAMB OF GOD, as the offering for our sins. The NKJV has removed this promise of a Saviour.
Matthew 7:14 changes “narrow is the way” to "difficult is the way”. There's nothing "difficult" about the salvation of Jesus Christ! 2 Corinthians 11:3, “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.” Now there’s a contradiction.
1 Timothy 6:10: The NKJV changes "For the love of money is the root of all evil:” to "For the love of money is a root of ALL KINDS OF evil”. The words "KINDS OF” are found in NO Greek text in the world! Where did they get them? Straight from the NIV, NASV, NRSV.
1 John 5:13: The NKJV reads: "These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may CONTINUE TO believe in the name of the Son of God." They add "CONTINUE TO" without any Greek text whatsoever. Not even the other modern versions go that far. This is a subtle attack on the believer's eternal security. This passage tells us that we may KNOW, now, this moment, in the present, that we have eternal life, not temporary life that depends on what we do with Christ after we are saved.
The NKJV is NOT new. All of these changes (except that last one), and many many more, are already in the NIV, NASV, NRSV, or RSV.
“Most people fail to understand the meanings of words that have changed since the KJV was first written, so they get a very distorted view of what was originally expressed.”
That can easily be fixed by using a good dictionary, such as Noah Webster’s 1828 edition. If it too pricey for you, use the free, online version. This is no different than your pastor getting up and telling you what the “original” word was in Greek/Hebrew, except that you and I probably don’t speak or read Greek, and we don’t know which manuscript he is using as proof. He may not even know Greek -- it is simple to give a Greek lesson using a lexicon. If someone is telling you that YOU can't really know what God meant, but that HE could show you, since he knows the "originals", don't believe him. That is popery. The world was kept in spiritual darkness for centuries by men who insisted the common man could not know God's Word. If you don't know what a word means, look it up, just like you would do with any other book.
Peter and John were seen by the intellectuals of their day as “ignorant and unlearned” men, but they had been with Jesus, who is the Word of God, himself. Which is of more value – knowing about God, or intimacy with God? If you are intimate with God, spending time in his Word, you will know him. And if you aren't intimate with him, you can't know him; you can only know about him. I don’t doubt the sincerity of pastors who study Greek/Hebrew to better understand the Bible, but they don’t need to. We have wrongly elevated scholarship and education. People spend a lot more time in books that are written ABOUT the Bible than they do in the Bible! If English is your first (or only!) language, stick with the English, and dig deeper. You will be amazed at the buried treasure you will unearth.
(Written with help from various sources.
The Case of the Disappearing Friends List
Ladies' Coffee Hour #2
We girls are having a good time in Ladies' Coffee Hour! Among other topics of discussion: what was "there" before God created the world, where sin came from, what kind of light God made when he said, "Let there be light" (since plants were created before the sun was), and why the earth brought forth the living creatures. In my own reading, which is just ahead of our morning devotional reading, I am wondering about the fact that God made Adam, planted a garden eastward in Eden, and then placed the man in the garden. When Adam sinned, he was expelled from the garden to till the ground he came from. Hmm. I always pictured Adam created right there in the garden. I have read this many dozens of times, and never saw this... There probably isn't any deep theological meaning to this. I just like it when I see something new. I will never forget the first time I read where Peter saw the Lord Jesus turn and look at him immediately after Peter's third denial. Just imagine how Peter must have felt then! ...It was the same time through my Bible when I read about the dead saints coming out of their graves and walking around in Jerusalem after Jesus gave up the ghost. (This was such a shock to me. I thought I knew my Bible, but how could I, when I had never read through it cover to cover even ONE time?!?) My prayer for my children is that they will be so well-grounded in the truth that they always recognize that which is false. There is no need to fill them in on what the cults teach ("simple concerning evil", "learn not the way of the heathen"...) if they are being taught the truth. Error will be easy to recognize!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
A Man That Hath Friends Must Shew Himself Friendly
Blogging has been a good addition to my life. I have made some good friends these past few months, and I now have several e-pals with whom I have enjoyed good, meaningful, adult conversation. (You moms know what I mean.
Ladies' Coffee Hour
I don't know why it is so much harder to be consistent with daily devotions with my girls than it is to be consistent with anything else, except for the fact that 1) our flesh rebels against anything that is truly spiritual in nature, and 2) Satan just doesn't want us to do them. I have struggled with this for as long as we have been homeschooling, which is a long time. Every year I say, "Okay, this year we are going to be really good about devotions. We are going to have a schedule! We are going to do things in the same order and at the same time each day. Get up, dress, make beds, eat breakfast. Then we will have devotions. We will read a chapter of Bible, then read from such and such book (the title is liable to change), and then we'll pray together. Then we can sit and talk about stuff, and we'll call it 'Ladies' Coffee Hour', even though none of us drink coffee." Each girl nods her pretty little head and is excited about this arrangement.
The new "schedule" lasts about two days. One girl will get up early and get a good start on her school work, and will be slaving away at the academics at the very moment when I want to start devotions. (It is really hard to stop them when they are on a roll!) Or I will wake up late, and the girls will be deeply involved in Legos and Tiny Dreams when I am finally ready, and at that point the day is already out of order, and it is my own fault. Or four girls will be outside enjoying a beautiful morning, running or skating in a circle around the house, and I think, "Oh good, they are having P.E. today!" and I let them go. Devotions here have definitely been sporadic, although I will say that we have all enjoyed the Ladies' Coffee Hour on those days when I have accomplished my goal in that area.
This morning I had two girls zealously doing math right after they had finished breakfast. One was standing idly by, hinting by her very presence that it was time to do devotions. "Look," I said. "We have this problem with devotions. I don't like to have you stop what you are doing, if it is school work. Maybe we should have devotions after lunch," knowing as I said it, that after lunch is not going to work, either. "No! Let's have them now!" they all said. I asked them whether they wanted to hear a preaching tape, and they all said, "NO! We like when YOU do it, Mom!" Me? Really?!?! The mom??? Wow, I was flattered!
So now to decide what to cover. I have been wanting to read through the Bible together, because although my oldest two have a good handle on Bible chronology, the younger two don't. I began to turn to Genesis and then, on second thought, I turned to Luke 2. I wanted to share with them the miraculous circumstances surrounding the birth of Christ and the wonder of it all, since it seems like we don't come across that section of reading in our regular evening family devotions very often.
After the reading we prayed together for some lost people we care about, and for some bad knees recovering from surgery, for Daddy's day at the office, and for help to bless the Lord with our school day. Then we talked about all kinds of things. Like, how far along was Mary in her pregnancy when she left Elisabeth's home? (Math!) How did the shepherds know the baby they found was The Right One? (How many babies do you think were sleeping in a manger that night? lol) What did Jesus' name mean? What do our names mean? (Etymology, right? Not entomology? I get them mixed up. -- Which one is the study of bugs? ) What would it have been like to grow up with a big brother who was perfect and obeyed every single time? Would you look up to him, or resent him? How did Jesus's mother feel, having a perfect child?? (Sociology) Would you be able to get away with straying away from your parents on a family trip, with the excuse that you were going about your father's business? (The answer here was NO, your father's business is that you stay with the family!)
Anyway, we had a great time. For tomorrow's Coffee Hour, Genesis 1 and then some.
Saturday, November 24, 2007
That NIV Again
Compare Mark 1:2,3 in the NIV with the same passage in the KJB. The NIV says the verses that Mark quotes here are taken from the book of Isaiah. But that is only true of one of the passages. The other is not found in Isaiah, but in Malachi. The KJB says the quotes are from "the prophets". Am I being picky? No. I am requiring inerrancy of a book that claims inerrancy.
Second, the NIV says in Hebrews 3:16, of those who came out of Egypt with Moses, "Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt?" Compare this with the same passage in the KJB. "For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit, not all that came out of Egypt by Moses." Joshua and Caleb were not among the rebels. Picky? No. Exact.
And here is a real kicker. This is a really wicked corruption. See Isaiah 14:12 in the KJB. According to the Bible, Satan, as Lucifer, fell from heaven and was cut down. (This is the only verse in the Scriptures which identifies Lucifer as Satan, and the name "Lucifer" never occurs at all in the NIV.) "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!" Now look at the NIV. "How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!" Do you see what the translators did here??!!!
Both the KJV and the NIV tell us in Revelation 22:16 that the Lord Jesus Christ is the "Morning Star". In Isaiah 12, the NIV wants you to believe that Jesus Christ fell from heaven, not Lucifer! "Morning Star" is a name which Jesus has reserved for himself. How diabolical to assign to Satan any one of the names of God. Jesus did not fall, and he was not cast down from heaven, as a matter of fact, he is the one who will do the casting down. This is not an accident.
The words "Isaiah" and "prophets" are not the same words in Greek; neither are the words "all" and "not all". "Morning star" and "son of the morning" are not the same words in any language. To say that the NIV is a more modern, correct translation is just plain falsehood. One of the best ways to understand the works of men is to read what they say about their own efforts. In their Epistle Dedicatory, the KJB translators refer to their finished work as "one more exact translation of the Holy Scriptures". They considered the Bible they produced to be an exact translation of God's words. On the other hand, the NIV translators refer to their work as one that "undoubtedly falls short of its goals". Why did they not achieve their goals before they published the book? At least they were honest about this. Their goal was not to produce an accurate translation, but to produce a Bible that would be acceptable to the religious, but lost, world. Their design was to remove or change every reference to the major doctrines of the Christian faith: the deity of Jesus Christ, his blood atonement and bodily resurrection, the virgin birth, the miracles of Jesus, etc. They could not have made all these changes at one time, or their "bible" would not have been received by the general public. Instead, they change a little bit more of the book every time they put out a new edition. One day they will have reached their goal, a bible with a human "savior", the perfect "holy book" for the coming one world religion.
Someday these men will face God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and they will give account for the changes and omissions they have made in his Word. I would not want to be in their shoes. God himself warned against doing this in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18, 19. You don't have to accept inconsistencies in your Bible. God's Book is true, and every word is pure. If you are reading along and you see something that doesn't agree with what you read earlier, question it! "STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed..." 2 Timothy 2:15. We who now know the difference must make a decision... which Bible?
Friday, November 16, 2007
Another NIV Quiz
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Others May; You Cannot
I know there are some of you going through heart-wrenching struggles where you are feeling like the current of influence is strongly against you, and you are trying hard to hold your ground. You don't understand why other Christians can't see things the way you do. Keep doing right! It is in hopes that this will be a blessing and an encouragement to you, that I copy this tract here:
If God has called you to be really like Jesus He will draw you into a life of crucifixion and humility, and put upon you such demands of obedience, that you will not be able to follow other people, or measure yourself by other Christians, and in many ways He will seem to let other good people do things which He will not let you do.
Other Christians and ministers who seem very religious and useful may push themselves, pull wires, and work schemes to carry out their plans, but you cannot do it; and if you attempt it, you will meet with such failure and rebuke from the Lord as to make you sorely penitent.
Others may boast of themselves, of their work, of their success, of their writings, but the Holy spirit will not allow you to do any such thing, and if you begin it, He will lead you into some deep mortification that will make you despise yourself and all your good works.
Others may be allowed to succeed in making money, or may have a legacy left to them, but it is likely God will keep you poor, because He wants you to have something far better than gold, namely, a helpless dependence on Him, that He may have the privilege of supplying your needs day by day out of an unseen treasury.
The Lord may let others be honored and put forward, and keep you hidden in obscurity, because He wants you to produce some choice, fragrant fruit for His coming glory, which can only be produced in the shade. He may let others be great, but keep you small. He may let others do a work for Him and get the credit for it, but He will make you work and toil on without knowing how much you are doing; and then to make your work still more precious, He may let others get the credit for the work which you have done, and thus make your reward ten times greater when Jesus comes.
The Holy Spirit will put a strict watch over you, with a jealous love, and will rebuke you for little words and feelings, or for wasting your time, which other Christians never seem distressed over. So make up your mind that God is an infinite Sovereign, and has a right to do as He pleases with his own. He may not explain to you a thousand things which puzzle your reason in His dealings with you, but if you absolutely sell yourself to be His love slave, He will wrap you up in a jealous love, and bestow upon you many blessings which come only to those who are in the inner circle.
Settle it forever, then, that you are to deal directly with the Holy Spirit, and that He is to have the privilege of tying your tongue, or chaining your hand, or closing your eyes, in ways that He does not seem to use with others. Now when you are so possessed with the living God that you are, in your secret heart, pleased and delighted over this particular, personal, private, jealous guardianship and management of the Holy Spirit over your life, you will have found the vestibule of Heaven.
When you are forgotten or neglected, or purposely set at naught, and you smile inwardly, glorying in the insult or the oversight, because thereby counted worthy to suffer with Christ -- that is victory.
When your good is evil spoken of, when your wishes are crossed, your taste offended, your advice disregarded, your opinions ridiculed, and you take it all in patient, loving silence -- that is victory.
When you are content with any food, any raiment, and climate, any society, and solituded, and interruption by the will of God -- that is victory.
"Lord Jesus, make thyself to me
A living bright reality;
More present to faith's vision keen
Than any earthly object seen;
More dear, more intimately nigh
Than e'en the dearest earthly tie."
Monday, November 12, 2007
For Bird and Bug Lovers and Young Authors, Too
My lovely daughter, Booklover, posted this amazing link on her blog, but since you all don't even know her informative blog even exists, I am helping her out here. This is a very interesting story for bird and bug lovers. Go check it out! What? You want to know what it is about first? Oh, okay. It is a short article, with photos, of course, about a praying mantis that caught a hummingbird for lunch. It is incredible. Unfortunately for the bird (or fortunately for the mantis, depending which way you look at it) this probaby is a common event, but not often seen by man? Maybe I just live in the wrong part of the country. I'll have to keep my eyes open.
Also, did you know that Susan Marlow, author of the Circle C Adventures series for kids, is hosting a fiction writer's workshop for FREE? Booklover is having an absolute blast creating characters, describing scenes, and giving life to the "dead" words in her stories. And she is getting wonderful feedback, from a REAL author, not just, you know, Mom. Best of all, this was Booklover's idea, not mine, and she does not classify this as "school work", because it is way too much fun to call it "school''. But you and I both know it counts, ha ha ha! Sigh, I just love it when that happens! Anyway, back to the writer's workshop, it can be started at any time. Just begin with lesson one.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Nothing Very Exciting Here...
Hi everyone, I think this is a record for me -- I have not posted an entry in six days!
I have surprised myself. Maybe there is hope for a blog addict, after all. It has been a relatively eventful week for the girls in this house, not normal for us. I was even too busy to go to the grocery store, and I like that! Grocery shopping is not the highlight of my week. It could be fun if it didn't cost so much, lol.
We have some homeschooling friends whose kids play instruments, so we got together with them a few days ago for a musical afternoon. I wish I had remembered to bring along the camera. It was a blast. We had seven kids and eleven instruments -- a trombone, a trumpet, a piano, two flutes, three recorders, and three violins. We played several hymns and spiritual songs, some of Handel's Water Music, and a few other common tunes. Each child gave us a solo, and then we formed our barnyard band. The kids are all at different levels of accomplishment, some having no skill at all as yet. After not having much success at finding one piece for all of the musicians to play together, we found they could all play out of the hymn book, and luckily the other family had more copies of it than we had children. Some played the melody, some harmonized, and the trombone played the bass part. One mom played piano, the other played trumpet, and two little girls tooted recorders in a high-pitched monotone. We made a cacophony! It was so lovely. No, really, it was! It's such a blessing when the Lord brings people into our lives who enjoy the same wholesome pursuits that we enjoy.
Friday night my older two girls and I went with some ladies from church to a Taste of Home Cooking School, possibly the first annual one for our area. But hmmm, if they do it again, they will want to make some changes in logistics and planning... It was a fun night out with friends. This area has kind of a small town feel to it, and even though the population of our valley is about 100,000, we said Hello to several other friends/homeschool moms whom we have not seen for several months. I enjoyed that very much! The show was good, but wow, they were free with the wine given away as door prizes (what do you expect from casino-area sponsors?). When they started announcing winners of wine bottles, I wondered how, in the event that my name was drawn, I would refuse the wine without looking like I just wanted something else in the prize pile. Thankfully I did not have to handle that problem, but one of the winners was an eight year old girl in our party. One of the other young ladies was a quick-thinker and yelled, "SHE'S UNDER AGE!!!" Sometimes there are benefits to being too young. I decided that if my name was drawn, I also would yell that I am under age.
But I didn't win anything this time. Not even Amy won anything. Amy always wins something!
And what else? I created a new blog, my private, unlisted, incognito blog. No one knows it's there but my husband. Why I have it, I don't know, since no one is reading it anyway. I have already wasted hours on my unlisted blog messing with the template, writing a couple of posts (Ha, I fooled you. I'm not cured of my addiction.), putting a counter on it (how dumb is that?)and finding my way around the bloghost. Well, it's there in case I ever decide to leave HSB.
We also baked cookies, shopped for shoes, did laundry of course, and made some homemade chicken soup. Mmmm. It is soooo good, perfect for colds, but we don't have any sniffles here, thank the Lord. (We never seem to have any of this soup around when we do have sniffles! Something is wrong with my home management.)
This week I'll be getting ready to leave town for a few days, experimenting with my new Taste of Home magazine, cleaning I hope, schooling I hope, and doing laundry, of course. Does laundry never end? I am very thankful for a working washer and dryer, and two good helpers! Oh yes, and I'll be blogging!
Monday, November 5, 2007
Potato Soup
As it so frequently happens, it got to be about 4:00 this afternoon, and I had nothing thawed out for supper. The only time in my adult life when this did NOT happen was for the five weeks after we got home from Kansas last summer, because I had spent several miles of cross-country travel making up a five-week menu plan. I loved having the menus made out, but I found my grocery bills were higher that way. So I am back to fumbling around in the kitchen at the last minute, trying to figure out something to feed my family, something nutritious and quick. Since many of you are into your wintry weather, I thought you might appreciate this quick potato soup recipe. It is warm and thick and is wonderful topped with butter-and-garlic croutons. This recipe makes enough to feed six of us, plus left-overs.
Sally's Potato Soup
8 LARGE baking potatoes
1/2 C chopped onion
4 1/2 C chicken broth
6 T butter or margarine
6 T flour
3 C milk
dash white pepper
1/2 t salt
1 t dill (optional)
Peel and slice the potatoes and place them in a large soup pot with the broth, chopped onion, and dill, if desired. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes or so, until potato slices break easily. In the meantime, melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat, and add the flour, salt and pepper. Cook and stir for a couple of minutes, then add the millk all at once. Continue cooking and stirring until the white sauce thickens and begins to boil. Cook for 1-2 minutes more, and remove from heat. When the potatoes are done, mash them well in the same pot, with a potato masher, or if you like your soup very smooth, put it through the blender. Add the white sauce and stir well. For variation, add cheddar cheese and/or cooked chopped broccoli. Top with croutons or saltine crackers.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
The Bible, or the TV Guide?
On the table side by side:
The Holy Bible and the TV Guide,
One is well-worn, but cherished with pride.
(Not the Bible, but the TV Guide.)
One is used daily to help folks decide.
No! It isn't the Bible; it's the TV Guide.
As pages are turned, what shall they see?
Oh, what does it matter, turn on the TV.
So they open the book in which they confide
(No, not the Bible, it's the TV Guide).
The Word of God is seldom read.
Maybe a verse e'er they fall into bed.
Exhausted and sleepy and tired as can be,
Not from reading the Bible, but watching TV.
So, then back to the table, side by side,
Are the Holy Bible and the TV Guide.
No time for prayer, no time for the Word;
The plan for salvation is seldom heard.
Forgiveness of sin so full and free
Is found in the BIBLE, not on TV!!
Friday, November 2, 2007
Water in the Desert
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
October 31 Fun
On Halloween we always avoid being home. Last year we decided to go shoe shopping at our local mall, and we found out that trick-or-treating at the mall is the "safe" alternative to trick-or-treating on the street. It was overrun with little goblins and freaks, but since we were in the minority, as virtually the only non-tattooed, non-costumed family, we appeared to be the freaks...
So this year we decided we would do something different. We took the kids on a Mystery Ride out to Lake Mohave for some star hunting. Living in the dry, non-cloudy Southwest, we are in what would be a great area for stargazing IF Las Vegas would shut out the lights for once! Well, it was plenty dark for finding the major constellations, anyway. We are new to the star map, so it was an education for us big people. AND, I might add, it was deemed a success when we found both the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper.
It was also a good opportunity to try out the "dark" settings on my digital camera:
Not quite dark enough for stars.
Where's the Big Dipper?
Piggy flashlight helps find stars. Oink Oink Oink.
Serious star student.
Happy star-gazers!
Actually, they are happy because they found something a lot more fun to do than craning their necks -- playing hide-and-seek in a very LARGE, very DARK parking lot, with only two flashlights (one being the dying piggy, oink oink), and DAD! One of the girls paid their daddy the highest compliment as we drove home: "None of those poor kids who went trick-or-treating had as much fun as WE did! We got to play hide-and-seek with DAD!!" The "dad" sentiment was repeated several times tonight. Aren't dads great?!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
A Blog Worth Following
A little while ago I was given a blog award that had something to do with discipling. While I really do appreciate the spirit of the award, I thought the timing was ironic, since I have not posted that kind of material in a while. And, I don't know... I just don't like to spotlight myself. I believe Jesus Christ gets all the glory for anything good that comes from me. I sincerely thanked the giver of the award, and I was going to let it drop there.
But today I came across a blog that I want to share. I am not even going to tell this blogger that I am doing this, because I know she would not want the praise. But if you are feeling like you are in dire straits with your spiritual life, your children, or your relationship to your husband, AND if you are REALLY ready to follow some good, godly counsel, then do go and spend some time at Camilla Anderson's blog, Growing in Truth. Read her testimony, her "secret" for staying on top, how she has trained herself in financial accountability with the Lord's help, how she bought back her children's hearts from the world. Camilla has some really wonderful counsel in the daily, practical areas of a Christian woman's life.
What? You ask why am I not posting entries on these things myself? Simple. I am still working on them.
UPDATE: Camilla has shut down her blog, but there is another blog out there that bears a striking resemblance to hers. It is right here.