Friday, November 2, 2007

Water in the Desert

I was talking recently with a friend who was having a very difficult week.  She had many complaints, but the biggest one was of her own attitude in the midst of all her trials.  She was spiritually dry.  Parched.  Cooked.

 As it just so “happened”, the Sunday morning message at her church at the end of that awful week seemed to be directed right at her.  You know how that is, don’t you?  She had been desperately thirsty for some encouragement, for some empowering from God’s Word, and she told me it was there that morning like water in the desert.

Water in the desert.  We all know how important water is here in the desert Southwest.  Just as water is vital to our physical survival, God’s Word is vital to our spiritual survival.  It seems so amazing and refreshing to us when God seems to know (but of course he knows!) just what we need from his Word when our hearts are lonely, burdened, despondent, or frightened.

Do you remember Hagar? Hagar and her son Ishmael were cast out into the wilderness.  While wandering the wild and desolate land they soon depleted their water supply. Hagar left her son to die, and then she lifted up her voice and cried.  Here she was, wasted, far from home, far from her daily water supply.  Sometimes we wander far away from God’s Word, too, don’t we?  But when Hagar despaired, God, in his infinite mercy, heard her. The Bible says he opened her eyes, and right in front of her she saw a WELL! Water! Life!  God showed Hagar the source of life, and he gave her just what her soul and body craved.  He did not provide her with just a teaspoonful of water, but a lifetime supply!

What would have happened to Hagar if she had seen the well, but had not drawn out the water? How many times have you been spiritually dry, and neglected to open your Bible or receive the preaching of it? That God-given water was the saving of Hagar’s life and the life of her child.  All she had to do was draw it out. The Word of God is the saving of our spiritual lives, as well. I am glad to be able to report that my friend took of the water of life freely that Sunday morning.  She was spiritually revived and energized!  Praise the Lord for his provision!

God’s Word is like a well for us.  There is plenty there to satisfy our thirst! If, in your heart, you have been wandering in the wilderness, cry to the Lord for understanding, for comfort, for courage, for help as you read or listen.  He loves you and cares for you just as he did Hagar and her son. He is ever ready to show you just the thing your soul is longing for!  Don’t turn away from it, and don’t be satisfied with just a teaspoon of relief – keep going back for more.  Get your fill of God’s life-sustaining Word!


  1. I've read this somewhere before-Wink! Still worth reading again.


  2. Reminds me of the song "Drinking At The Springs of Living Water".



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