Saturday, November 24, 2007

That NIV Again

I know it seems like I am really on the attack against the NIV, but that is only partly true.  All of the modern translations are faulty; the thing about the NIV is that it is the easiest one in which to point out errors, because there are so many glaring ones!  Here are just a few of them:

Compare Mark 1:2,3 in the NIV with the same passage in the KJB.  The NIV says the verses that Mark quotes here are taken from the book of Isaiah.  But that is only true of one of the passages.  The other is not found in Isaiah, but in Malachi.  The KJB says the quotes are from "the prophets".  Am I being picky?  No.  I am requiring inerrancy of a book that claims inerrancy.

Second, the NIV says in Hebrews 3:16, of those who came out of Egypt with Moses, "Who were they who heard and rebelled? Were they not all those Moses led out of Egypt?"  Compare this with the same passage in the KJB. "For some, when they had heard, did provoke: howbeit, not all that came out of Egypt by Moses." Joshua and Caleb were not among the rebels. Picky? No. Exact.

And here is a real kicker.  This is a really wicked corruption. See Isaiah 14:12 in the KJB.  According to the Bible, Satan, as Lucifer, fell from heaven and was cut down. (This is the only verse in the Scriptures which identifies Lucifer as Satan, and the name "Lucifer" never occurs at all in the NIV.) "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"  Now look at the NIV. "How you have fallen from heaven, O morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!"  Do you see what the translators did here??!!!

Both the KJV and the NIV tell us in Revelation 22:16 that the Lord Jesus Christ is the "Morning Star". In Isaiah 12, the NIV wants you to believe that Jesus Christ fell from heaven, not Lucifer! "Morning Star" is a name which Jesus has reserved for himself.  How diabolical to assign to Satan any one of the names of God. Jesus did not fall, and he was not cast down from heaven, as a matter of fact, he is the one who will do the casting down. This is not an accident.

The words "Isaiah" and "prophets" are not the same words in Greek; neither are the words "all" and "not all".  "Morning star" and "son of the morning" are not the same words in any language. To say that the NIV is a more modern, correct translation is just plain falsehood.  One of the best ways to understand the works of men is to read what they say about their own efforts.  In their Epistle Dedicatory, the KJB translators refer to their finished work as "one more exact translation of the Holy Scriptures". They considered the Bible they produced to be an exact translation of God's words. On the other hand, the NIV translators refer to their work as one that "undoubtedly falls short of its goals". Why did they not achieve their goals before they published the book?  At least they were honest about this. Their goal was not to produce an accurate translation, but to produce a Bible that would be acceptable to the religious, but lost, world.  Their design was to remove or change every reference to the major doctrines of the Christian faith: the deity of Jesus Christ, his blood atonement and bodily resurrection, the virgin birth, the miracles of Jesus, etc.  They could not have made all these changes at one time, or their "bible" would not have been received by the general public.  Instead, they change a little bit more of the book every time they put out a new edition. One day they will have reached their goal, a bible with a human "savior", the perfect "holy book" for the coming one world religion.

Someday these men will face God Almighty, the Lord Jesus Christ himself, and they will give account for the changes and omissions they have made in his Word.  I would not want to be in their shoes. God himself warned against doing this in Deuteronomy 4:2 and Revelation 22:18, 19.  You don't have to accept inconsistencies in your Bible.  God's Book is true, and every word is pure. If you are reading along and you see something that doesn't agree with what you read earlier, question it! "STUDY to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed..." 2 Timothy 2:15. We who now know the difference must make a decision... which Bible?


  1. So true!! I pray all those reading this post will reconsider all these false versions and get back to the truth of God's word.


  2. Hi Sally, Good post. I examined all our Bibles and was surprised to see we still had one. What do you think about the NKJV?

    One thought I was pondering this week: It seems the church services are dumbing down and the sermons to "be relevant to today", but now they aren't relevant to real Christians who want to be discipled and grow. I guess that is why they would use the NIV... how frustrating.

    I think you've read my post with a small part on how Billy Graham introduced alot of the new translations...

    What is your opinion on the Church of Christ denom.? Please PM me on that ;)

  3. There are many differences in many translations but I agree with your end I think if more people did that instead of picking and chosing here and there we'd all be better off... Just my opinion.

  4. I have chosen to stay with KJV and to teach my son by it.

  5. Amen to that!

    It's good to be stopping by again. I hope to be back soon.


  6. Denise gave me the heads up to come and read your post. Thank you ! I am glad you shared this. I knew there were differences but I had not seen the one about Lucifer. And how they are still changing the translation bit by bit. ( did I understand that right ? ) Wow !!! What a eye opener. I am glad I still have my KJB.

    God Bless my SSiC

    In Him<><


  7. Ya know, I caught that one time in my daily Bible reading about the "Morning Star" and it truly had me puzzled. I'm sooo glad I went back to my KJV and with you bringing up all this other stuff about the other versions (which most are clueless about - I know I was shocked at the multitude of errors/changes), I know I'll never go back to any modern version again. Thanks for bringing all this to light!!!!!!!


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