Hi everyone, I think this is a record for me -- I have not posted an entry in six days!
I have surprised myself. Maybe there is hope for a blog addict, after all. It has been a relatively eventful week for the girls in this house, not normal for us. I was even too busy to go to the grocery store, and I like that! Grocery shopping is not the highlight of my week. It could be fun if it didn't cost so much, lol.
We have some homeschooling friends whose kids play instruments, so we got together with them a few days ago for a musical afternoon. I wish I had remembered to bring along the camera. It was a blast. We had seven kids and eleven instruments -- a trombone, a trumpet, a piano, two flutes, three recorders, and three violins. We played several hymns and spiritual songs, some of Handel's Water Music, and a few other common tunes. Each child gave us a solo, and then we formed our barnyard band. The kids are all at different levels of accomplishment, some having no skill at all as yet. After not having much success at finding one piece for all of the musicians to play together, we found they could all play out of the hymn book, and luckily the other family had more copies of it than we had children. Some played the melody, some harmonized, and the trombone played the bass part. One mom played piano, the other played trumpet, and two little girls tooted recorders in a high-pitched monotone. We made a cacophony! It was so lovely. No, really, it was! It's such a blessing when the Lord brings people into our lives who enjoy the same wholesome pursuits that we enjoy.
Friday night my older two girls and I went with some ladies from church to a Taste of Home Cooking School, possibly the first annual one for our area. But hmmm, if they do it again, they will want to make some changes in logistics and planning... It was a fun night out with friends. This area has kind of a small town feel to it, and even though the population of our valley is about 100,000, we said Hello to several other friends/homeschool moms whom we have not seen for several months. I enjoyed that very much! The show was good, but wow, they were free with the wine given away as door prizes (what do you expect from casino-area sponsors?). When they started announcing winners of wine bottles, I wondered how, in the event that my name was drawn, I would refuse the wine without looking like I just wanted something else in the prize pile. Thankfully I did not have to handle that problem, but one of the winners was an eight year old girl in our party. One of the other young ladies was a quick-thinker and yelled, "SHE'S UNDER AGE!!!" Sometimes there are benefits to being too young. I decided that if my name was drawn, I also would yell that I am under age.
But I didn't win anything this time. Not even Amy won anything. Amy always wins something!
And what else? I created a new blog, my private, unlisted, incognito blog. No one knows it's there but my husband. Why I have it, I don't know, since no one is reading it anyway. I have already wasted hours on my unlisted blog messing with the template, writing a couple of posts (Ha, I fooled you. I'm not cured of my addiction.), putting a counter on it (how dumb is that?)and finding my way around the bloghost. Well, it's there in case I ever decide to leave HSB.
We also baked cookies, shopped for shoes, did laundry of course, and made some homemade chicken soup. Mmmm. It is soooo good, perfect for colds, but we don't have any sniffles here, thank the Lord. (We never seem to have any of this soup around when we do have sniffles! Something is wrong with my home management.)
This week I'll be getting ready to leave town for a few days, experimenting with my new Taste of Home magazine, cleaning I hope, schooling I hope, and doing laundry, of course. Does laundry never end? I am very thankful for a working washer and dryer, and two good helpers! Oh yes, and I'll be blogging!
You crack me up - putting a counter on a blog noone reads!! LOL Sounds like the Jam session was a huge success - making a joyful noise. I love that kind of thing too, I don't play an instrument, but even just gathering around a fire and singing praise & worship songs is great fun to me. Happy you had fun with friends this week - hmmmmm, winning wine, that WOULD have been interesting. :) Have a good week my friend!
ReplyDeleteI love the music thing you did with the kids. Four years ago, when we were still in Alaska with lots of home school friends, we had a day like that. There are few things that can bless a mom's heart like watching their kids sing and play worship choruses together.
ReplyDeleteThe cooking thing sounded fun!
I'm sending another quick email....
tag - come on over for the rules.
ReplyDeleteYou sound like you're really getting into this being incognito thing! It kinda goes along with your avatar pic. Fun....!
ReplyDeleteYour kids' jam sessions sounds like so much fun.....you should make it a regular thing. You never know what might come from it.
You are so funny because you say it was a slow week, but it wasn't! Happy traveling.