Friday, November 30, 2007

Ladies' Coffee Hour #2

We girls are having a good time in Ladies' Coffee Hour!  Among other topics of discussion:  what was "there" before God created the world, where sin came from, what kind of light God made when he said, "Let there be light" (since plants were created before the sun was), and why the earth brought forth the living creatures.  In my own reading, which is just ahead of our morning devotional reading, I am wondering about the fact that God made Adam, planted a garden eastward in Eden, and then placed the man in the garden.  When Adam sinned, he was expelled from the garden to till the ground he came from.  Hmm.  I always pictured Adam created right there in the garden.  I have read this many dozens of times, and never saw this... There probably isn't any deep theological meaning to this.  I just like it when I see something new.  I will never forget the first time I read where Peter saw the Lord Jesus turn and look at him immediately after Peter's third denial. Just imagine how Peter must have felt then!  ...It was the same time through my Bible when I read about the dead saints coming out of their graves and walking around in Jerusalem after Jesus gave up the ghost. (This was such a shock to me.  I thought I knew my Bible, but how could I, when I had never read through it cover to cover even ONE time?!?)  My prayer for my children is that they will be so well-grounded in the truth that they always recognize that which is false.  There is no need to fill them in on what the cults teach ("simple concerning evil", "learn not the way of the heathen"...) if they are being taught the truth.  Error will be easy to recognize! 

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