Sunday, December 16, 2007

I Am Not Religious

Do you ever have people confuse your salvation for religion?  Sometimes people think we do what we do (or don’t do what we don’t do) because we have a given set of church rules to follow. My good friend, Kristy, wrote this good piece on the differences between God-given salvation and man-made religion; I begged it from her for my ladies' newsletter and my blog.   Thanks, Kristy!


I Am Not Religious. I Am Saved!

I am not trying to keep a set of rules to attain salvation.

I already have salvation.

I am not religious; I am saved.

When I die and stand before God,

I don't have to worry that my good outweighs my bad.

I am not religious; I am saved.

I am not walking around observing ceremonies and traditions

because that's the way it's always been done.

And I don't need them to attain salvation.

I am not religious; I am saved.

I am not a person that can no longer sin. I still sin.

When I ask God’s forgiveness it's granted.

Salvation is not a process. It's a gift. A gift has to be accepted.

I am not religious; I am saved.

When I learn some new truth and God shows me my error, I try to correct it.

I fail over and over again.

I am not changing my life for salvation.

My life is being changed because of salvation.

I can't change my life by my own power.

I am not religious; I am saved.

I can't lose my salvation because of mistakes I make. God promises that.

I am not religious; I am saved.

I don't always feel saved. But that's okay. It's not about how I feel or what I think.

Being saved is based on God’s Word and His promises.

I am not religious; I am saved.

I am not trying to be better than my neighbor, friends or family.

I am trying to be like Christ.

I am not religious; I am saved.

I am not always understood. I know that. It hurts. God's Word comforts me.

I am not religious; I am saved.

My stand on issues is not popular. I strive to follow God's Word, not man’s.

I am not religious; I am saved.

Salvation is a gift from God. It can't be worked for or bought.

It's not a list of rules that have to be followed.

Salvation is not a doctrine, a denomination or a fancy church.

It's God loving us enough to send his Son to die for us.

Salvation is not in traditions, ceremonies, or what church you attend.

Salvation is in Jesus Christ.

I am not religious. I am SAVED!!


  1. Exactly! That reminds me of a conversation I had with a "religious" person. I said the term was a bad word for those who are born again.. it was interesting :)

    Well, DH has taken us back to "Grace" Baptist, where they use the NIV.. better pray for us lol.

    Hope you had a nice weekend


  2. Wow, that is great. It has truly made me think. I will have to come back again to re-read it. Thank you so much for sharing it. And thank you Kristy for writing it and allowing it to be shared. :)


  3. Oh, yes, please share the cookie recipe. I'm always looking for a good cookie recipe. You can PM or email it to me. Thanks. :)


  4. Great Job Kristy!!! Thanks for sharing it Sally!!!


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