Wednesday, June 18, 2008

A Peculiar People

“…that he might redeem us from all iniquity,
and purify unto himself a peculiar people…
” Titus 2:14

The word “peculiar” brings to mind the thought of being rather eccentric and unique, maybe a bit strange.  Are you peculiar? Most of us don’t like to stand out or have attention drawn to us, but it would seem here that the Lord desires that we be noticed.

Consider whether a girl or woman displaying these things would be considered by many to be peculiar in this time and place:  courtesy, sobriety, modesty, hospitality, faithful church attendance, kindness, quietness, punctuality, a joyful countenance, and especially, a tongue that speaks naturally and gracefully of Jesus Christ.  Even many Christians would consider a woman who exhibited these behaviors to be a bit different!

But the word “peculiar” doesn’t just mean unique.  According to Noah Webster’s 1828 dictionary, peculiarity has to do with belonging to another, to the exclusion of others.  In other words, when you received Christ as your Saviour, you became the exclusive property of God  Almighty.  He owns you, and he only.  That is a wondrously special privilege! Not everyone has that privilege. Belonging to the Lord makes us peculiar just by definition. But a lady who behaves in the ways listed above shows the world that she is not her own; she is owned by another – by Jesus Christ. Her being a bit “peculiar” tells the lost world that they do NOT belong to him. God has elevated her to a privileged place. If you are saved, he has elevated YOU to a privileged place. Let us strive to be peculiar in our words and actions, that others may see whose we are.

Note to self: used 3/12.


  1. Excellent post! I'm so excited you found my blog because I'm loving YOURS! LOL.

  2. That fits right into "Be ye Holy as I am Holy" - Being set apart because He is set apart.

    Great entry!

    Blessings to you all.

  3. Great words Sally! I was just thinking along those lines yesterday as I was sitting in the van waiting for the girls to come out of the high school from theater practice - watching the other kids. My, what a different life we lead from the others. I was sooooo thankful that our girls don't attend there. The girls were dressed so immodest, loud, flirty. The boys were driving recklessly, using stupid & foul talk, sloppy. Our girls really stood out, without trying - modestly dressed, quiet, joyful contenances, gracious words. What a blessing!

  4. Hi Mom... um... I know this is a "no-tag zone,"... but... I tagged you anyway. I think you will like this one, though. *smiles*



  5. Heart of the Matter Online ( would like to feature you as one of our Featured Homeschoolers!

    We would simply ask you 8-10 questions about your homeschool and daily life. Then, we'd post the questions and answers, along with a link to your blog and any pictures that you'd like to provide, onto our website listed as this week's Featured Homeschooler!

    If you are interested in being featured, please email me. I'll send you the questions that will be posted and you can submit your own photo's to go along with your post.

    I look forward to hearing from you.




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