Monday, August 27, 2007

Typical Desert Dweller


  1. How funny. My husband's family lives in Arizona, and when he visited there when he was a teenager and he had a very similar shirt. I always like that shirt and brought it up often when we were thinking and praying about where to move. Thankfully we came up to Idaho, dry heat, but nothing like Arizona heat. :)


  2. That is too funny. I love that pic.



  3. Hello! I am hoping you remember, Amber, Becky's daughter , from lincoln church? Look howm uch your kids have grown up! WOW. We have two little ones, but I'm sure you'll see them on my blog. So how is everybody doing? we just moved into a great big house and are in the middle of moving..and i'm SO ready to be done! take care...Amber Williams

  4. Hi again Sally,

    Thank you for being such a great online friend. I am passing on this award to you. Please visit my site for details.

    God Bless,


  5. We have really good friends in Idaho who have t-shirts saying the same thing. There are skeletons sitting by the rocks protesting, "But it's a DRY HEAT!" We of course have much humidity.

    Sorry about the silence, I have been preoccupied ;-)

    Where are your friends going to be?



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