Sunday, August 12, 2007

Apologetics Apology

I feel that possibly my Bible version series may have prompted a post I read recently about divisiveness. I will be the first to admit I am not the queen of tact.  Certainly gentleness and meekness are fruits that I need to have the Lord develop in me further -- and probably will be until the day I die.  I do not write my posts with the intention of upsetting people or to boast of my own goodness or scholarship (both are paltry in my life). In fact, I spend a lot of time wording things so that I might say them with as little offense as possible!  Pray for me that I might learn to present truth without offending. I would appreciate that very much.

What I see here at HSB, in spite of many differences in beliefs about Jesus Christ, salvation, and godly living, is an "I'm okay, you're okay, we're all okay," attitude, with little concern for what is actually RIGHT.  Does it matter?  Yes, it matters to me.  I know that "right" matters to you, too, or you would not be teaching your own children. If I thought there were many truths, that everything that calls itself "Christian", or "spiritual", is okay, there would be no point in my posts about the Bible versions. My aim is not to change the minds of those who are confident in their beliefs, but to prayerfully teach those who are NOT sure, to those who see the inconsistencies in the English Bibles.  My hope is that maybe one person reading my posts will be led to love the Lord Jesus, to love his word, and to have a zeal for that which is right.

If I post something that you disagree with, please do not feel personally offended. I know that many will disagree with me about the Bible versions. I do not wish my blog to be a source of hurt or anxiety.  If it is, please, with no hard feelings on either side, simply remove me from your friends list.  Please do accept my sincere, heart-felt apologies, and forgive me for saying things in a way that is rude or offensive to you.  May the one true God, the Lord Jesus Christ, be glorified in my blog and in yours.

Psalm 119:165 Great peace have they which love thy law, and nothing shall offend them.

Galatians 4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?


  1. Not everything that says it is from God is from God. Not everything that says it is Christian is Christian (at least in my understanding of the word Christian - from Christ). There is definitely a mindset out there that that if it works and it sounds good it must be from God. That is New Age and it is dangerous.... there are a whole slew of practices out there that Christians are getting involved in that have their roots in Eastern practices but now you get "Christian Practitioners" of the evil thing and that is supposed to make it ok...... this is definitely a crooked and depraved generation...

  2. I wasn't offended at all.

    Actually it was very educational and eye-opening to me!

    I showed that quiz to my husband, too, and he was astonished. ( I will be looking for a KJV now....Thanks!)

    Michelle W

  3. The division came when men departed from the accepted authority of the KJV, and came up with new versions that were contrary to the text. Since others wanted change, they brought division. Then they are offended when their error is pointed out, and cry that those pointing out error show no love.


    No scriptural defense for that position


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