Saturday, August 18, 2007

Bad Poetry

TC is having a bad poetry contest.  Here's mine for now... maybe I'll come up with some worse bad poetry later on.

This woman's brain is full of fluff,

And I own way too much stuff.

And  I'm not nearly content enough.

But the Lord this gem will gently buff

Until he makes me clear and tough,

For I am diamondsintherough.

The end.


  1. ... there's no way you can win the "bad" poetry contest with that poem. It was a joy to read and brought a smile to my face. Amen!!

  2. Yep, sorry Sister, it has to be a BAD poem - yours is too good! And no, I'm not writing one - I know there are a lot of words that rhyme with PlainJane, but I'm not a poetry person. Nice try on yours though.

  3. I have to say amen to PlainJane and TC. Your poem is TOO GOOD to be BAD. [0=

    Thank you for visiting me. I have been wanting to come by but hadn't ...yet. I am glad you beat me to it. [0=

    I will be back and I am adding you to my friend list.

    God Bless

    In Him<><


  4. Nice rhyme scheme. :D


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