Why is it that “those days” have to happen when you have a million things to do? And why, you ask, am I blogging, if I have a million things to do? Well, because. I was thinking about blog-publishing my to-do list so I could take a break every few minutes and strike-through my accomplishments. But really. Do I need an excuse to blog?? Isn’t blogging one of my constitutionally guaranteed rights, you know, “the pursuit of happiness”? I find slightly more happiness via blogging than I do wiping up spilled milk (Been There, Done That today), clearing the house of smoke from oven (BTDT), cleaning up a spilled vase in the living room (BTDT), folding the never-ending, ever-growing mountain of laundry (BTDT), and planning meals for thirteen for five days (BT, not D with T).
It is the meal planning that has me in a frazzle. I always stress out over feeding people. Do you? I love the people! If we could all just go to McDonalds three times a day I would be okay. As it is, I will be all stressed out in the kitchen, wanting everything (whatever that ends up being) to be perfect, and everyone will wonder what is wrong with the preacher’s wife’s face! When it is all over, everything will have been good and fine, and I will have been suffering high-anxiety for nothing. I know, I know, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for you.” (I am supposed to be the older woman teaching the younger women these things, sigh…)
Okay, so here is today’s to-do list, not in order of priority. Yes, I have to put “brush teeth” on the list, so I have something to cross off. This is not for you to comment on and give me sympathy. I don’t want any. I just want a place to record this list where it won’t get lost!
Clean bathroom
Vacuum: living room, bedroom, bathroom
Kitchen counter (maybe next week)
Degrease stove (tomorrow)
Mop floors (when we get back)
Em’s room (some other time)
Return library books
Kroger’s (when we get back)
Iron Preacher's shirt
Do hair
Brush teeth
Find food list
Menu plan
Missions bulletin board
SS lesson (in the morning)
Finish Alie’s dress (??)
Pack for trip (tomorrow. 2-3 hrs before we leave.)
Give baths
Probably item #1 should be to pray for help from on high for all this…!
Note added at 8:10 pm. I am not getting any closer to DONE because the list keeps growing! 
I am a total list maker, and I frequently add things to the list that I just did (but had not listed), so I could cross it off! :) Welcome to the club! Hope you get all the things done today that are important -after that, grab a book or watch a movie and enjoy yourself!
ReplyDeleteThis was my first time on your blog and I thought I'd pop in and say hi. I love your writing style! How many people can make you smile with their to do list? You, for starters! Have a great weekend : )
ReplyDeleteI am sitting here too afraid to take my eyes from the computer because of the list my mind will automatically make, it is scary stuff.
You need to enlist the help of the church family.
Nothing wrong with making a list. We just had people over tonight too, a bit stressful, but not to much. Thanks for sharing your list. :)
Meals stress me out too. Breakfast & Dinner isn't the problem but that 3rd meal is. Well I solved that one. Because hubby is home for noon meal it works out. We do brkfst which is easy. Our biggest meal is noon by the evening we aren't that hungry something light. But that isn't easy. So we have dessert. It works great.
ReplyDeleteI put my schedule on my computer. I use my ical which has a to do list. The program has it that when I am done I just check it off. Or I print it off. But I don't like wasting paper. So this works for me.
I always tell people that my brain is on my calendar and on my To-Do list! With a family of six and all that caring for the bunch of us entails, lists are a must.
ReplyDeleteAnd you know Sally, I write things on my to-do list and cross them off, even after I have already done them. (And had forgotten to put them on my to-do list in the first place!) What a glorious sense of accomplishment I feel. By the way, brushing teeth does count for something. Afterall, it does take precious time and energy.
As for planning meals, perhaps I'll have to share with you about my kitchen notebook that I set up. Another idea for a post, maybe?
Hope you conquer your list with the Lord's help!
I have about 3 lists going right now. (sigh)
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the meal prep for many people. I always forget something - oh, I make it alright, I just forget to put it on the table. Like the 3 lbs. of potato salad that was forgotten in the fridge until after the meal recently. Us 4 were eatting potato salad for days and I still ended up throwing some out - I didn't make my usual food list that time - that'l teach me.
well, you are doing a good job striking through things. I bloged a list a couple weeks ago - though there are things on it I stil lhaven't finished :(
did what matter most. The rest will be there tomorrow and again after you getit done.
ReplyDeleteBecause of Jesus, Bobbie
LOVE, LOVE your blog!