Saturday, June 23, 2007

Home Management Addendum

I didn't get it all done, see below.  My estimated goals for procrastination are in parentheses. It is 10:40 pm locally, and a church night (as opposed to school night) -- I am going to bed so I can get up early and get to that SS lesson that is awaiting me!  We are going out of town for a few days, so I will be boring, don't even check in.  And then we have our missions conference thru next week and I will be in a real dither.  Yes, I admit it, I will probably escape to blog land, who am I kidding, to think I would leave this all alone while I do other, more important, urgent things?!? (Insert pulling-out-hair smiley.)




  1. I'm sorry you didn't get everything done, and we will miss you while you are gone, but we all have to take breaks from blogland every once and a while. Can't wait to hear how everything goes. :)


  2. Hope you are having a good, safe trip. Yes, I must hear from you, if only a little bit. Have a good relaxing week amongst it all.


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