Some of you dear friends are dying to know how my couponing is going. Well, it isn't. But that doesn't mean we haven't been talking about it around here. For evidence, I submit Amy's school assignment for today, in which she was to write a paragraph using five of her vocabulary words:
Some people have a hard time discerning that they spend too much money. Others are cautious and conscientious about spending, and have a limited amount that they'll spend. Others would like to spend less but they can't comprehend the system of using coupons. It seems ominous to them and soon the desire to learn wanes to a lower caliber. From their perspective couponing is for ladies that live in big cities. So after she tries and fails, the average lady will become content with her grocery spending and her paramount concern will become finding a different way to save money.
Well done. She went above and beyond the call of duty and used eleven of her words.
I am not doing as well. I can't get the hang of the schedule. Grocery ads out on Wednesdays, drug store ads out on Saturdays, right? No. Wait. That would be Sundays. Before I get my act together the next ad is out. And all those expiry dates. I have a hard enough time getting my church letter out on time once every other month!
A friend sent me this link today. This one. Some smart woman back east only buys what she can get for free or near free. She spends, on average, $4 a week on groceries for her family of six. !!! We have six. How does she do this? How does she get anything free, coupons or no? Say you have a coupon for 25¢ off spaghetti. Even on triple coupon day that spaghetti is still going to cost about 25¢. The manufacturers of the cheapo brands don't print coupons, and the way normal people (that's me -- I'm normal, right?) use coupons, it is cheaper to buy the off brand with NO coupon than it is to buy the name brand with. I don't get it.
And THEN, this woman has a members-only website where you can see all the deals, plus a forum with more deals. It's only $1 a year, but how much money do you think she makes in one year just from this? She's an enterprising soul. Why didn't I think of that? I'll tell you why. It's because the inside of my brain looks like this:
...Most of the items on sale at CVS/Walgreens/RiteAid/Target are things I never buy. Guess if I figured out how to get it for free, I'd buy it. Okay, I'm not a complete dummy. I did okay in college, and I did pretty well in math. Maybe I'm only text-book smart, and not real life smart. Is that it? Don't answer that. Maybe I'm not even textbook smart anymore.
I never used to care much about coupons. I thought they were kind of a bother, and not worth the trouble. But lately I have been praying for a way to add to the household income without leaving the house. Is the Lord showing me that the answer is not to get more, but to spend less? I can go for that if he'll fix my wiring.
Maybe I need to start a local couponing club. Anyone interested? We could help each other figure this thing out. Come on, friends, move on out here to the desert where it's nice and warm all winter, and we'll all get rich on couponing. Merlynn Randall, you are appointed president of our new club. We'll call it Cactus Clippers, or something like that.