Saturday, February 23, 2008

Exercise Challenge

Moms of Many Exercise Challenge

Thanks (I think), Denise, for sharing with me the Moms of Many Exercise Challenge. (To join, click on the button.) I joined.  Starting Monday.  If I don't do something soon, I won't be able to do ANYTHING. I am getting so decrepit it is scaring me.  Pray for me.  I need a drill sergeant to stand in front of me and MAKE me do this. I am a consummate failure at any sort of exercise plan at all... but getting more desperate than ever!

I started today, with 30 reps each of five different weight exercises. I am only using the 2#'ers.  To me, the absolute worst thing about any exercise program, worse than the pain, worse than the time it takes, worse than having someone watch me (ABSOLUTELY NOT, KRISTY) is realizing at the start how feeble I am! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! (Insert clip-art of woman holding weights up, with U-shaped biceps.)


  1. Can I come over and watch?


  2. Well. Just think about how STRONG you WILL be since you're gonna keep at it this time! ;-)

    Welcome to the MOM Challenge!



  3. LOL! Oh no, I need to fix that post lol. It was Stephanie10 where I saw it heheheeeee.. but the reverse psychology worked on ya :) (checked that off my list)

    Wouldn't it so nice to be able to have your own personal trainer (my original job goal) to make us do what we should? lol then of course we would hate them lol.

  4. Exercise? What's that?

    Actually our pump just froze & while dh was fixing it, he broke it (sigh). Now I will be hauling water buckets out to the barn everyday until that's fixed (filling about 3 or 4 buckets of water in mudroom, loading them on a sled, and pulling them to barn - enough exercise for me!


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