Saturday, January 12, 2008

Anything Else You Want to Know, Emily?

Why is this called my "jaw"?
What is an abject?
What is whiskey?
Why do people cut stuff?
What does gnash mean?
Why doesn't my spoon sink in my potato soup like it does when I have milk in my bowl?
If we have never been somewhere before, how do we know how to get there?

Anyone want to volunteer to teach this kid in a couple of years?


  1. hehee! aww you are blessed! Just think, some kids think their moms don't know anything.. its a compliment ;)

    re: video. hmm I can see it, although I reduced it to 300 px wide- do you have java script enabled? i didn't catch the name:

    I have a strange person, maybe hiding behind a new ID, debating the "coexistence" mantra with my oldest son :( Saying it doesn't mean "all ways to God" are right, just that they all exist together in peace... :P Sometimes HSB isn't all that safe....


  2. LOL. Whiskey? Where did that come from? She is adorable - I'll take her! I remember when the girls were little, one of them asked why we had to wear clothes - she had me worried that time.

  3. Wanna swap? I didn't think so.. LOL.


  4. Sounds like she is keeping you on your toes Sally!

    Thanks for the job offer, but I have all I can handle (and more) with my own inquizitive bunch.



  5. Once she gets the answers to all these, she'll be ready for Jeopardy!

  6. Emily is a girl right up my alley. Just made me laugh! I was born with questions...once I found the words to ask them I never stopped. My husband and I will be talking with another couple and he teases me that I should come with a warning label:

    "Caution: the person you are talking to will ask more questions than you knew had answers and isn't afraid to give the answers to the questions you didn't know you had."

    It's a running joke in our family.

    So...I, personally, understand Emily and think these posts are precious. :-)



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