If you've never read John Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, you need to. If you have a hard time concentrating on the old language, here is the next best alternative, The Pilgrim's Progess on audio CD. We have owned this fun dramatized set for some time, and we never tire of listening to it! As a matter of fact, the girls were listening again this very day. (Soon they will have their actor's accents perfected and all the lines memorized.) I have a link to this classic set for $29.99 on my sidebar, but today I got a better sales ad from LES (Library and Ed Services). You can own this epic 6-CD audio dramatization of Christian's journey from the City of Destruction to the Celestial City, featuring 77 actors, sound effects, and professional music, for ONLY $14.95, yes ladies and gentlemen, you heard me, only $14.95 (plus shipping and handling)! This price is only good for seven days, so order before midnight tonight!
Think I could get a job in sales?
P.S. LES membership is free, and they won't sell your email address. We get ads from them about once a week with discounts up to 80% on books and other media. I recently bought most of the Moody science videos from LES for only $2.00 each! And no, I'm not an affiliate.
Think I could get a job in sales?
P.S. LES membership is free, and they won't sell your email address. We get ads from them about once a week with discounts up to 80% on books and other media. I recently bought most of the Moody science videos from LES for only $2.00 each! And no, I'm not an affiliate.