Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Seeing Clearly

(If you go to MBC and are reading this, STOP! It will be in the newsletter :o)

     The alarm clock beeps.  Clumsily I grab at it, taking too long to find the button to turn it off.  My mind is coming out of the dark, but I can’t get my eyes open yet.  In a few minutes I roll out of bed.  I know right where to reach for my old glasses, and I can find my drawer for something to wear. But until I put in my contact lenses, I really can’t see very well. For that reason, putting in my contacts is one of the very first things I do each morning.

     One day as I was doing just that, it dawned on me that my Bible is also a corrective lens, without which I cannot see clearly to get through the day.  Without my Bible first thing, I don’t recognize the stumbling blocks of temptation. I don’t recognize God’s presence in my moments.  My steps are uncertain and fearful, because I have forgotten that light for my path. When I am looking through the lens of the morning news; or the inconvenience of getting breakfast for kids,  when I wanted to do other things; or an aching body, the day’s image is completely distorted. What a pathetic condition, and yet, how simple to correct it!

     It is important to start out each day looking through the right lens.  The more Bible I put in, and the sooner I do it, the more clearly I can see.  I can focus on the details of God’s working in my life and in the lives of others, details that I miss without his Word in my “eyes”. Join me as I purpose (again) in my heart, to daily (and early) use the corrective lenses God gave me for my spiritual sight.


  1. That is such an encouraging and thought provoking post. :)


  2. What a great post!!! I too just cannot start my day unless I first Seek FIRST the Kingdom of God. Right after I make my dh's lunch and send him off to work at 5 a.m., I have my devotions. If I don't and intend to do it later, it often doesn't get done. Early mornings are such a perfect time for me -- the house is quiet with no interruptions, a very sweet time.

  3. Thanks for sharing your thoughts. That is a really awesome point! I don't wear glasses, but my daughter does and when she forgets them she starts tripping over everything!

    It is true that we need God's word in the morning to guide us.



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