Saturday, July 28, 2007

Which Bible? Part III


Back to our discussion of “Which Bible?”.  Sorry, my train of thought jumped the track for a few days!


Two Bibles that differ cannot both be God’s Word. Either one Bible is, and the other is not, or else neither one is God’s Word.  If you know your Bible has errors and is inconsistent within itself, it can not be God’s Word.


 I do not worship the King James Bible, but it is very similar to my Saviour, who is the Word of God himself, in many ways. Like him, it deserves my devotion.  It is perfect and without fault, it has power to save sinners, it is incorruptible, it is eternal.  It is living and capable of imparting spiritual life. It is my Comforter.  It is my Bread. It refreshes me like the Water of Life. Like the Rock, it is unchanging, strong and immovable. When I read the Bible, I know Christ better, because I am reading him. Men have attempted to do away with the KJB for 400 years, and unlike modern flash-in-the-pan revisions, still it lives on.  Some sixty million believers have died for it!  It cannot be destroyed any more than the Lord Jesus could be destroyed.  No, the leather and paper and ink are not God.  But because of them, I know God!  Below are some things to consider about the Bible:


n      If modern scholars are smart enough to find “errors” in the Bible, why haven’t they corrected them all and given us a perfect one by now?

n      Where in the Bible is your pastor’s example to use the terminology, “A better rendering would be ______,” or “The Greek says, (or the Hebrew says, or the originals say,)______________.” Jesus, Peter, Paul, James, or John never quoted the Old Testament this way.  Isn’t the Bible supposed to be our final authority in all matters of faith and practice?  Did you ever see what would happen if you just looked up the word in a good English dictionary, such as Noah Webster's 1828? For an English-speaking person, the dictionary sheds much more light on the Bible than a Greek lesson does!

n      If the Bible is not absolutely perfect, how can you call it God’s Word?

n      Who taught you that God’s Word is not infallible or that God has not preserved his very words for us? It was not the Holy Spirit, for he tells us otherwise in the Bible.

n      Many believe that education has improved over the years and that God’s men are more qualified to translate God’s word today than they were in 1611.  How can this be true, when everything else around us has degenerated?

n      Has God lost the words that he gave by inspiration? Where are they today?

n      Why do preachers and teachers of the Bible say they are quoting “the Greek”, or “the Hebrew” when there are MANY Greek and Hebrew texts (many differing from one another), and not just one of each?  Why don’t they tell us there are more? The original manuscripts do not exist.  Why do we think “the Hebrew” and “the Greek” are the standard to which we compare all other translations? What do scholars compare them to? Nothing.

n      Before the first “modern” translation was published in 1881 (the Revised Version), the King James Bible was published, preached, and taught throughout the world.  God blessed these efforts and hundred of millions were saved.  Today, with many new translations on the market, very few are being saved, and we have a fleshly, ungodly impostor Christianity. The great revivals are over. Who has gained more from the new versions of the Bible – God or Satan?

1 comment:

  1. Some sixty million believers have died for it!

    hmmm...I thought they died for Christ?

    As for why a pastor would say the Greek says or the Hebrew is because their language translates the word used such as LOVE better...Agape, Eros, Philo and Storge . All are translated Love but ALL mean different things. A wise pastor wants His flock to know what Jesus was saying to Peter when He asked him if He loved him and not think it was redundant, and the greek tells you the depth of reasoning in those verses along with the Heart of Messiah as He tried to restore Peter.

    When the disciples spoke in tongues, that also was not done in the King's English. Why? because Jesus wanted every man in every nation to hear the Gospel in their native tongue. For some it is the techno talk of the Message, the Hippy Jesus freaks of "The Way", He even can use the KJV to change the heart of a drunk in a hotel room. Because He is the Lord God Almighty, the Word made flesh He can use even a donkey to speak the Word.

    Because of Jesus, Bobbie


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