Alison and I were talking late into the night a bit ago, one of the topics being how much nicer it is when the house is clean and tidy. Which isn't often around here. We do the vacuuming and stuff, but the eternal Lego projects, dollhouse adventures, crafting explorations and the like take over the family room floor. Then they multiply and consume other parts of the house. As goes the house, so do our meek and quiet spirits. So Alie and I were discussing how much nicer we all are to each other when our surroundings are orderly, and how school goes so much better, and, well, what are we waiting for to change things??
I showed you my organizational goal for this month, but here it is again. I have to post the "before" shot again so that we can all see what a Big Improvement the "after" shot is. Okay, here it is.

Scary, isn't it? No wonder we couldn't find the wire cutters. Or the tape measure or the missing piece for the train set, or Emily, OR the surface of my sewing table. (Just kidding about Emily.) This is just one corner of the room, mind you. Trust me, the rest of the room looks just like this. Now here is the after shot:
Doesn't that just make you feel a lot less agitated? It even looks like the sun is shining a bit brighter there.

There's still way too much stuff, but at least now it all has a home. We also tackled the rest of the entropy-challenged house and made good progress.
Today, inspired by a new house, the girls got their jobs done before school started, we did devotions and enjoyed the time spent together, and in our nice clean family room, school was a joy. All of this order also inspired me to complete some oven-door kitchen towels for a friend (tutorial
here -- I must update that one of these days)
and a quilt top that has been about three years (four years?? ) in the making:

Sorry about the blurry photo there. So just think. If I kept a clean house all the time, I would be a completely different person! That might be kind of fun. Look how much I got done! What shall I do tomorrow? Think I'll find some button "eyes" for the fish on the quilt, clean a closet, wash the blinds, dust the fan blades, make cactus jelly, go through the girls' closets for outgrown stuff, bake bread, write a song, and refinish the dining room table. I kind of feel like Superwoman!

Let all things be done decently and in order.
1 Corinthians 14:40
(Now I know why...)