Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Spiritual Content

Lately my blog has really been lacking in spiritual content, and I am feeling bad and guilty about that.  My intent when I started this blog was not to blab about myself, but about the Lord, at least the majority of the time.  Maybe this is an indication of the spiritual condition of my heart right now. No, not maybe.  We all have our "seasons".  Some are fruitful and some are not, and no tree bears fruit perpetually. (Or is there one that does??  Probably.  God has made all kinds!) For me this has lately been a season of digging and dung-ing, rather than one of fruit-bearing.  For that reason I feel like I am not contributing much here. Hopefully I am soaking in some things that will make me grow more as a person and a homeschooling mom, and in time, bear fruit again.  If not, I should not spend so much time here... (that thought has pierced my heart more than once)!

If you are relatively new to my blog and want to know my heart, go read my "diamonds" posts in that category, and start at the bottom.


  1. I was writing to someone the other day regarding a similar conversation, i.e., blogs and purpose of writing. I'll share my own blogging testimony.

    When I started blog, I had a completely different purpose for my blog than what it has become. Additionally, I would become so frustrated with myself when I would read my own blog--so uninspired, so humdrum--and then read other's blogs that kept me coming back. Why couldn't I write something like that, I thought? Over time, however, I've come to realize two things: 1) every day is not a day of deep revelation, and that's okay, and 2) you never know who might be ministered to by you simply sharing your story. I've had people write me as if I preached a "high dollar" sermon when all I did was share a story about a dead dog or buying a new dishwasher.

    The Word of God says 'this is how we overcame Satan, by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony'. Just write what's happening for you in your heart right now; yours might be the blog that someone needs to get them through the day.

    As I read this post and the grades you gave yourself on the Blogger Friend School, it looks as if you were being a bit critical of yourself, which is a trait I'm all too familiar with. Stop beating up on my new friend and allow her to experience whatever she's going through, knowing that the Lord is with her. God bless you today.

  2. Some days are just better than others. I am learning some spiritual lessons for myself right now. I guess, if we were all polished, perfect diamonds, we'd be with the King, and no one on earth would benefit any more from the lessons we learn.

    We're all still learning. I am so far from finished, myself, dear friend. It always helps to see where we are, where we've come from, and know where we're going, yes?


  3. Oh no, you mean you haven't arrived yet? You're not to the place of all holiness? You are not glowing like Moses? Great wisdom doesn't spew from your every pore? I'm appalled! Huhhh, I guess I better just go find myself another friend. (JUST KIDDING) May I join your club? I personally am glad you are just human else you wouldn't want to hang around me. Besides, like Bbullard commented, you just never know who is being touched or challenged by those "ordinary" posts. You inspire me my friend!

    I hadn't noticed until after I commented from your BFS assignment of your grading system - very funny. lol (I guess it pays to scroll up).

  4. Do I ever understand about the fruit-bearing times and the non-fruit-bearing times! I am in an amazing fruit-bearing time right now, but can vividly recall the bleakness of the non-fruit-bearing, and so empathize. It will come again, and I will keep you in my prayers.

    As to the heart-piercing thought of giving up the blog/internet implication you made, I have been struggling with that as well. Good luck with all your decisions.

    Sorry it's taken me so long, but the name of the B&B that we stayed in is Oakwood Inn, in Pinetop-Lakeside. If you ever get a chance to go, I encourage it... it was wonderfully restful and did, in fact, trigger this wonderfully spiritual place my husband and I find ourselves in together.

    Have a lovely weekend!



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