Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Blogger Friends School #2, #3, #4

I am not doing very well in Blogger Friends School.  I think I said I have never failed a class yet, but there is a first time for everything..!  I didn't get around to doing assignments #2 and #3.  Assignment #4 is below.


Assignment #2 Grade: F



Assignment #3

Grade: F

Blogger Friends School Assignment #4

 "The Internet offers a lot of treasures! It may not be in the form of actual gold, although I’m sure some could find some on the Internet - probably on ebay! Being a Blogger Friend is all about sharing our treasures. The assignment this week is to share your Internet treasures. Below is a list featuring things that homeschooling moms might be looking for: information, support, ideas, or actual items that pertain to our lives. Each one of us holds some or all of these treasures that need to be shared. Take this list and add your “golden” treasured sites so that we may all share the wealth."

 ~Site that you buy your used curriculum from: eBay

 ~Site that offers frugal tips to save money: Money Saving Mom  

~A site that provides good wholesome recipes: Biblical Womanhood

 ~An informational site that shows you “how” to: ??

 ~A homeschool family website that you purchase from to support them: TOS, Homeschool Enrichment 

 ~A charity website that you support: none

 ~Favorite Graphic site to get graphics for your blog or other things:  Graphics?  What are graphics?  I don’t know how to use graphics!  Ask my daughters :o)

 ~Site that offers an educational calendar listing important historical events and also to keep you informed on upcoming events: Awesome Stories

 ~Site that offers Homeschool Freebies:

Homeschool EStore

 ~Site that offers any kind of Freebies:

Homeschool Radio Shows

Great Homeschool Videos

Jan Brett 

You Need a Story

 ~A blog to read that is always full of humor: Tracy,  tc, and jen 

~A blog to read that is always full of useful information:

Guilt-Free Homeschooling

Consent of the Governed

 ~A blog to visit because it is eye appealing and easy to read: ??

 ~A blog that you read because it inspires you to be a better homeschooling mom: /plainjane and lots of others!

 ~A site that you would allow your children to visit:



Biblical Womanhood,


Billy Bear

Everyday News Network *You've got to see these cute family-made news broadcasts!

Great Homeschool Videos


Sorry about the formatting here!  My template is being SO naughty!!!   And I give up!


  1. Aww don't be so hard on yourself :) I am in the same boat too, I joined the last go- round and didn't even get past "assignment" #1 lol. Maybe I detest assignments?? I can't seem to get into the "meme" days either :P Oh NO! I think I'm an unschooler!! LOL

    Hope you are having a great week, just got back from house hunting.. whew!



  2. Nice list! I was considering not doing this assignment since all (not that many really) my internet gold is already on my sidebars - but now that you did your assignment, maybe I better do one afterall. :) Okay, I was just checking in before I finish a certain email letter to a certain somebody special. (it's 2:40 am). Have a nice day and check your email.

    Love ya!

  3. I'm a blogger friends school dropout....LOL!

    I joined last year, but the assignments just got to be too much for me to keep up with.

    I will certainly check out some of your 'gold' though! :-)

    Thanks for sharing,



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