Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Why Diamonds?

I think it is fascinating that God thought to put jewels in the earth. Certainly it was just for his own pleasure that he placed them there.  If he had not created gems, we would never have known the difference.

God’s creation is amazing. Just about everything he made is a picture of some spiritual truth!  For example, the ants show us how to work in the daytime, and to stay home at night.  The ox, by getting down on his knees before an obstacle, shows us how to pray.  The sun, moon and stars are all types of spiritual things. 

Precious stones also have some great things to teach us about ourselves. The opal is made by a combination of heat from beneath and pressure from above.  Its job is only to enhance the beauty of its owner.  It has no color of its own, but reflects the beams of the sun, sending forth various beautiful colors.  Only God can make an opal, and only God can make you reflect the glories of the Lord Jesus Christ, the SON of God!

The sapphire is made from common clay.  It, too, is made by heat and pressure.  The sapphire comes in all sorts of colors, some much more valuable than others.  Only God can make a sapphire, and only God can transform an ordinary sinner, made of clay, into an unordinary Christian who is prepared for the glory of heaven.

The diamond begins as a piece of black carbon. How seemingly insignificant!  It takes a long time, and again, much heat and pressure to form a diamond.  Diamonds are mined; they have to be sought out.  All diamonds were at one time “lost”.  They have been found by searching men.  All sinners have been lost, but some have been found by the seeking Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ. He has rescued them from the depths of darkness and despair, and they have become the property of God Almighty.  Ah, but not without price. It cost him dearly. Not silver and gold, but his pure and sinless life's blood.

And that is why we are “diamonds in the rough”. I was lost in sin, but Jesus found me. He bought me with his blood.  I am still rough, but he is patiently working on me. Sometimes he makes a big cut (Ow! That hurts!) and sometimes a little one. He is tumbling and polishing me. One day I will shine, and I will be an ornament of grace for his glory.  My daughters are undergoing the same process.  We have not arrived.  But we are growing. My prayer is that my Saviour will be honored and glorified by this seemingly insignificant family.


  1. That was such a blessing to read. It really is interesting how the different gems are made. It really makes me think.

  2. beautiful said! Good name and good explanation :)

  3. Each cut n matter how painful becomes a new facet for His Glory to shine through. May the pressure of this life cause you to shine brilliantly for Christ.

    I have enjoyed visiting your blog today.

    Because of Jesus, Bobbie

  4. Or did you copy it from somewhere? Reguardless of WHERE it came from it IS beautiful and so is your family! I would like to postthis on my Blog sometime if I could. But giving YOU all the credit for it!!! Thanks for stopping by my Blo, I have added you as a friend!



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