Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Ladies' Coffee Hour

Some time ago I wrote about our morning Ladies' Coffee Hour, which is our devotional time in the morning before school starts.  We have continued with it -- hey, I'm doing good.  This is the second thing I have purposed in my heart to do consistenly this year, which I am still doing. (The other is daily exercise.)  Hooray!  The girls and I are reading through the Bible together, sort of skipping through the non-narrative portions, but summarizing them as we go along.  This morning we were in Numbers, which doesn't have a lot of action, but I try to make it thrilling.

After reading the Bible, I read aloud to them from History Stories for Children.  It is below my older girls' level, but big kids aren't too big to learn from a little kids' book.  (Especially when they are weak in history, as you will see.)  Our topic was the US flag, combined with a teeny bit of info about WWI and Armistice Day.  Today's chapter began with a young boy gazing at the flag, thinking about his father who had gone off to France in 1918.  I stopped and asked the girls, "What war was going on in 1918?" 
"...The war of 1812?"  
"Um, no, that was World War I." 
Same child: "Oh yeah.  That is the one where the king and queen of Spain got shot, and everyone got mad and started a war!" 
Now, I am not going to tell you which of my brilliant, super-achiever homeschooled children said these things.  But I WILL tell you that sometimes it is better NOT to have the older children present when trying to teach the younger ones. LOL!  *Sigh*

Next we moved on to a nice picture book by Eve Bunting, How Many Days to America?  A Thanksgiving Story, which is about a Cuban refugee family arriving in America on Thanksgiving Day, with something BIG to be thankful for -- FREEDOM.  We talked about Castro and how all the poor Cubans thought he was going to bring "Change" and prosperity, only to find that Communism was not a good change for the people, after all.

For the past year or more I have been copying and saving good blogposts and articles about femininity, homemaking, goals for girls, courting, etc.  I have been picking one or two of those items from my folder each morning also, and sharing with my daughters what a wonderful privilege and blessing it is to be what God made us to be.  Today we read about the benefits of being a strong woman -- not in the sense of being headstrong/empowered/liberated but in the sense of having strength of character and the ability to be strong and submissive at the same time. Now there's a talent. And hey! There's an idea for my next church ladies' newsletter article... 

Strength and honour are her clothing;
and she shall rejoice in time to come.
Proverbs 31:25


  1. Hmm... Castro sounds like someone else that just got elected to office..


    the code to type this starts with 666.. eeeek... good thing I know what that really means or I would be worried.

  2. I can relate to your topic today. I've been bookmarking blogs on topic that have inspired me, too. Have a great week. I miss visiting your blog...


  3. We have a brand of molasses called Grandma's Molasses. That is the one I used. I don't know the difference between unsulphered and sulphered molasses, but I don't see why you couldn't use whatever kind you have available. These cookies are one of our very favorites! They are SOOOOO good!!!! :) I hope you like them.

    Sharon at Keeper of the Home


  4. Great Post today! What a blessing it is to be able to homeschool your children. You can not only pick the topic, but you can also pick the time of day to start your school. Work with the childrens own body clock - great blessing. Funny about the war of 1812 still going on in 1918! Talk about a long war....Lynn Marie

  5. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. My recipe for the eggrolls makes about 12 to 15 eggrolls. That will vary with the amount of filling you put in the wrappers. I love your blog! I feel the same way as you, I am a frazzled homeschool mom. Due to sickness we have done one day of school this week. Oh well....May I link to your blog from my blog?

  6. Sounds like a fun history class :), and I like your lesson about freedom. Sounds like a great topic for your next newsletter too!


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