Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Throes of Three

It seems that each of us has had an attitude problem to overcome this week.  First, Math Girl (post below), then me (I don't do at all well with the strife of hissy fits), then one girl musician and another girl NOT doing her English.  Here is the BIGGEST attitude problem we have to fix (ironically she is the smallest person):


You see, Preschooler does not appreciate it when everyone else is doing school, and she is left to her own devices.  Thankfully I am twice her size, or else this photo would be plain scary, don't you think?  Twenty times a day I hear, "Mom, I have NOTHING to do," which, to my thinking, should not even be in a three year old's vocabulary! I don't remember it being this bad with the previous sisters when school started.  I can't believe this is the same cute-as-a-button little girl that I posted earlier:

All this, to say HELP!  Give me all of your Keep-Preschoolers-Busy ideas and resources!


  1. She's scary!! Oh, did I mention I am now moving her to your SS class! Unless, she wants to stay, I am now afraid of having her mad at me!! EEEEk!!


    Ha Ha ha..

  2. When you cut her hair, just like Samson she lost her attitude adjuster!

    It happens ya know.

    hee hee too cute!

    Because of Jesus, Bobbie

  3. The key is to keep them busy, you are right. I had special toys just for school time, like Play-doh! I make it in bulk. They play in it with real baking tools, pans, cutters. Math manipulatives make great "keep the preschooler busy" toys. I made my nonschoolers sit at a table and play with something. Water color paints work too. If she is mad because of being left out, try to include her. Give her school work to do. I also would have my oldest read to my youngest while I worked with the middle one. I didn't worry about mess. I have also let my preschooler play with tub toys in a small tub of water on the table. Puzzles just for school time are good also. Then there is always the favorite video if these things don't work! Oh, and we would sit down, brainstorm things they liked to do ahead of time, write them down. Cut up the items. Put them in a brown paper sack. Then draw out an item when bored. It works for any age. Pray with them before you start your school day asking for help. Let me know if you need more ideas. I have lots of practice in this area!


  4. That's a pretty scarry - "Don't mess with me" face if I ever saw one. Our girls are only 2.75 years apart, so I didn't run into that too much when Amber was in Kindergarten, Anna was just happy with videos and Mr. Rogers for the most part, but by Amber's 1st grade year, I had to give her her own school work - like Abeka Art Projects and their "Numbers & Skills with Button Bear 3". It was just enough to make her feel like she was doing school like a big girl, but she would get her fill quickly and run off and play again happily. I also have a basket with counting bears, marbles, dominos, magnets, magnifying glasses, etc. that she could sort and play with till her hearts content; wooden puzzles of numbers 1-20 & the alphablet & states; and musical instruments. Frequent trips to the library help too. We also popped popcorn and group them into groups of 10 - 10 groups for 100, so she could visualize how much 100 was and a good beginning with place value. We also let our girls be in 1 year of preschool at our then church, just for fun (which was just 2 days a week for 2.5 hrs.). We also did a lot of tempra painting on esel & finger painting. And oh yes, we had scavanger hunts - I would list 5-10 things for each girl to find. Amber would have to find something that was a noun, etc., and for Anna I would draw pictures of what she had to find. They loved that!

  5. Husband Advice ManJuly 28, 2007 at 9:49 AM

    Try and get that husband of yours to take her out to eat. Disregard this adivce if it was done recently.

  6. Okay, that photo is just priceless! What a great shot! I have felt that way many times in my life! hehehe

    Couple suggestions:

    My 3 year old LOVES keeps him busy for hours. (And learning to boot!) Also, I have a post about keeping 5 year olds happy. (Someone asked.) A lot of what is in it would work with 3 year olds too. Here is the link:

    There is also something called Preschool Activities in a Bag. The Old Schoolhouse Store sells it. I have not gotten it, but have wanted it for awhile. (You can find a link to the store from my blog if you are not familiar with it.)

    Other than that I would say...hang in there!


    P.S. I clicked over from the Company Porch. LOVE the dress dishtowels. Thanks for the tutorial! We will be making some!


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